Gabor Buda

Gabor Buda

De mai à mi-juillet 2014

Résidence dans le cadre du Programme Odyssée du réseau européen des Centres culturels de rencontre

"Abstraction and realism, photography and sculpture.
Four words which actually very important for me. I'm working with different medias, what I can describe with an abstract way of thinking via photography, and a realistic idea of sculpture. The photo is a way to sculpture, and a way to the abstraction from reality, and sculpture is a way back to realism via abstraction. Paraphrase of a 18th century representative portrait is representing all written above; making abstract images, or images about sculpture; and sculpture about images. The concept refers to the 18. century representative portait tradition, with a twist in it: In the 18. century's representative busts made about rich or famous people. My models are random local people, so this might will be the first time in the history that portraits about local citizens are placed in a representative way here in Chateau Kerguehennec".
20 mai 2014